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Staten Island, New York, United States

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Suitcase Show and Sale of Tango Collages

I've been graciously invited to exhibit and sell my tango collages on June 6th, 2011 from 6:00 to 10:00 at  Casa de Tango, a milonga hosted by Anthony Blackwell. I will be at the milonga with my antique suitcase packed with collages inspired by the tango. Casa de Tango is held upstairs at Central Bar at 190 E. 9th St. in New York City.

This milonga is very intimate and friendly. I always maintain that a milonga's tone is set by the host. The first time I went, Anthony made sure I was comfortable and introduced me to some of the people there. Due to those introductions, I danced with some really fabulous partners I probably wouldn't have before. The gender balance there is good, too. And, I think because everybody is very visible in the small room, people get to dance.

There's a camera flashing constantly during the milonga (now I know how celebrities feel with paparazzi), but it's a great marketing tool. Anthony will then post tons of pictures from each milonga on Facebook. I know I'm not the only one who scrutinizes the pictures, not only to find myself in them, but also to see if friends and dance partners were at the milongas I didn't attend.

Anthony has been promoting the sale on Facebook as well as on his website http://www.blackwellassociates.com/. Last night I was passing out flyers for the sale at the milonga at Triangulo and people were remarking that they already knew about it from his efforts.

I still have a lot of preparations for the sale this weekend; matting, labeling, etc.  And, knowing me, I will probably want to complete a couple more collages, because I can't help myself. Here are a couple of the collages. All are small and under $100.

(c) 2010 Denise Mumm, Collage #39
7½"x11", paper lithograph, collage on paper

(c) 2010 Denise Mumm, Collage #44 10"x7 1/2", paper lithograph, collage on paper
More peeks of the work I will be selling can be seen at my Etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/DeniseMummArt and more about me and some of the more expensive (but still affordable!) work I do can be found at my website http://denisemumm.com.

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